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Exosome treatments

What is Exosome Therapy?

Exosome therapy is a new medical treatment method that uses protein vesicles obtained through special processes. These vesicles are structural components that are one thousandth of the normal size of cells and contain various growth factors and amino acids. They have the ability to strengthen the functions of cells and exhibit restorative properties. Exosome therapy is not limited to aesthetic purposes only, but can also be used effectively in the treatment of various medical conditions such as spot treatment, skin rejuvenation, acne scar treatment, atopic eczema, hair loss, wound healing and burn treatment.

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How is Exosome Treatment Applied?
Exosome treatment can be done in two ways. The first is a process in which exosomes obtained from outside are obtained with special processes and stored in a sterile suspension. The other is exosomes obtained from your own blood; prepared in a clinical environment. The application is the same in both methods. Approximately 30 minutes before the treatment begins, the patient’s skin is cleaned and local anesthetic cream is applied. Then, exosomes are injected into the designated area with the help of microneedles. This process initiates a reparative effect in damaged cells and patients can easily return to their daily lives after the treatment. Exosome treatment is usually a single session application and the results can occur over time. In some cases, the treatment can be repeated in several sessions and is usually done at intervals of 7 to 14 days.

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