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Forehead Filling

Forehead filler is an application performed with a thin-based dermal filler to eliminate forehead wrinkles or forehead expression wrinkles that do not resolve with Botulinum Toxin application and for people who want a more curved forehead.

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How Do We Do It?
It is a 15-20 minute application after numbing with local anesthetic cream. It is done with a cannula or needle.

Make-up and hot baths should not be taken for 24 hours after the procedure.

The duration of the effect varies from person to person, but it is around 8-12 months.

Since the forehead muscle is very thin and the risk of vascular damage and complications is higher, the experience of the doctor is important in the forehead filling procedure.

What are the forehead filling prices?

Due to the technique used in forehead filling, the operation fee varies for each individual. You can have a free preliminary meeting with our experts by phone or WhatsApp at +90 542 144 42 47.

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