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FUE Hair transplantation

Although hair is one of the most important elements of an aesthetic appearance, it is possible for it to wear out and fall out over time. In addition to genetic factors, environmental factors, stress, seasonal changes and hormonal irregularities, hair loss can also occur due to aging. Hair loss can lead to both dissatisfaction with one’s physical appearance and, as a result, loss of self-confidence.

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What is FUE Hair Transplantation?
FUE hair transplantation, which is a scarless hair transplantation method, is one of the most commonly applied hair transplantation procedures. Since it is a frequently preferred procedure with a high success rate and a practical method, the patient’s comfort is at a high level during the application and post-application recovery period since no incision is required on the scalp.

How is FUE Hair Transplantation Applied?
In order for the procedure performed under local anesthesia to be successful, it must be performed by experts with sufficient training and experience. Hair transplantation is performed in more than one step. Although the application basis is the same, planning must be done for each patient.

Collection of Hair Follicles
The donor area from which the hair follicles will be taken to be transplanted to the hairless areas of the patient is determined. The donor area is prepared for the application. Then, the number of hair follicles determined specifically for the patient is collected from the area one by one. Collection of hair follicles is done using the FUE engine and incision tips smaller than 1 mm.

The follicles taken from the donor area, also called grafts, contain 2-3 hairs, and the hair follicles must not be damaged in any way for the success of the operation. Since thousands of roots are extracted from the donor area for the procedure, small incision tips should be used. In this way, it is also possible to ensure the patient’s comfort during the healing process.

Opening the Channels to be Transplanted
After all the hair roots are removed from the donor area, the channel opening step, which requires extreme care and experience, is started. During the channel opening process, which is usually performed with the lateral slit method, incisions are made and channels compatible with the length and size of the hair roots to be transplanted to the area are opened. The growth rate of the transplanted hair during hair transplantation, in other words, the success of the hair transplantation, is directly related to the opening of the channels in the correct size and depth.

Planting the Collected Roots into the Opened Channels
Planting the collected roots into the opened channels is the last stage of the FUE hair transplantation method. The angle of the channels where the roots will be transplanted is very important in order to achieve a natural appearance after the application. For this reason, the angle of the channels should be different in each area of ​​the head. Similarly, the hairline should be determined correctly, the forehead area and the area where the hair starts should be calculated correctly and the hair transplantation process should be carried out accordingly.

When Does the Hair Have the Desired Appearance as a Result of FUE Hair Transplantation?
Although the average time required to achieve the desired appearance after hair transplantation is 4 months, it should be remembered that it may vary from person to person. Hair growth accelerates after the 4th month and usually begins to gain a fuller appearance in the 8th month. The full result of the hair transplantation procedure, which is seen in a period of 12 to 18 months, does not change after this stage.

Things to Consider After FUE Hair Transplantation
The area should not be touched with hands and water in the early period after the application. In order to quickly eliminate the edema caused by the application, the head should be kept in an upright position and the medications prescribed by the doctor should be used without interruption.

The application area should be protected from impact for the first 15 days and care should be taken for the area. Hair should be washed with the shampoo recommended by the doctor, hard pillows should be used and heavy sports that may cause sweating should be avoided. After the shock loss experienced after hair transplantation, the hair will grow permanently.

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