Spot and scar treatment refers to the entirety of various medical and cosmetic interventions against skin discoloration or surface deformations. The aim of these treatments is to reduce, correct or completely eliminate blemishes, pigmentation disorders or scars on the skin. It includes different methods and technologies used in the fields of spot and scar treatment, dermatology, aesthetic surgery and cosmetology.
Spot and Scar Treatment Methods:
Laser Treatments: Lasers can break down pigments or regenerate skin tissue using intense light energy focused on the skin surface. Laser treatments are used to lighten the color of blemishes, soften scars and reduce skin tissue irregularities.
Chemical Peeling Chemical peeling aims to even skin tone by peeling the skin surface and removing the top layer. This method is used to reduce the appearance of blemishes and smooth the skin surface.
Microdermabrasion Microdermabrasion aims to renew the skin texture by gently abrading the skin surface with fine crystals or special instruments. This method can be used to lighten skin blemishes and improve the appearance of scars.
Dermal Fillers: Dermal fillers are materials injected under the skin. These substances can help smooth scars and fill the skin surface, giving it a smoother appearance.
Micro-needling (Dermaroller or Dermapen): Micro-needling methods create a controlled trauma to the skin by puncturing the skin surface with fine needles. This trauma can reduce the appearance of scars by speeding up the healing process of the skin.
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Treatment: In this method, the platelets in the plasma obtained from the person’s own blood are enriched. Enriched plasma is used to improve the appearance of scars and skin blemishes.
Surgical Interventions: Surgical methods may also be preferred for deep scars. More pronounced results can be achieved with surgical procedures to remove scars or correct skin texture.
Spot and Scar Treatment Process
The type of skin, the type and severity of blemishes or scars are evaluated to select the appropriate treatment method. The specialist creates a treatment plan tailored to the individual’s needs and skin condition. The selected treatment method is applied. Methods such as laser treatments, chemical peeling, dermaroller can be repeated in sessions. After treatment, reactions such as redness, blistering or mild peeling of the skin may occur. In this process, the skin begins to renew itself. After the treatment, the improvement in the skin becomes visible. However, some treatments may require more than one session. Treatment should be continued as recommended by the specialist.